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On Sunday, August 18, 2024, after the Sunday service, a team of volunteers from our church ventured out in the neighbourhood around our church location in Northgate. The goal was to distribute Gospel of John booklets along with information about our Sunday services among our neighbours in the Glengarry area.

Volunteers prayed for our neighbourhood and were able to distribute copies of the Gospel of John to a hundred homes in the area. A couple of volunteers also took extra booklets to distribute among their neighbours in the communities where they reside.

The Gospel Outreach project aims to distribute Gospel of John booklets to 5000 homes in our neighbourhoods. Pray that people will receive the booklets and read the life-changing message of the Gospel. The Word of God is powerful unto salvation and our prayer is that many souls would be added to God's kingdom through the efforts of our volunteers in reaching out to our neighbours.

Here is how you can be a part of this Gospel Outreach:

  1. Pray for the homes and people who receive the Gospel of John booklets that God would open their eyes to see Jesus and to hear his word of forgiveness in the Gospel.
  2. Volunteer to distribute the Gospel booklets along with the outreach teams. Teams will be going out several times during the next few weeks.
  3. Pick up a few copies of the Gospel of John booklets to give out to your friends, colleagues, acquaintances, or neighbours. Sow the seed of the Gospel and pray that there will be much fruit.

Pray and volunteer on a team! The Word of God you distribute will bear fruit unto eternity!! Contact Bro. Anthony for more information.